about us
being small is our superpower! it keeps us real.
Our Mission
The Road Church is an accepting & affirming community called to experience and to be God's presence everywhere. We believe that church happens wherever we are - at home, work, school, and play. We want to live into God's dream of a world where everyone and everything is made new. We want to love, serve, and give our lives to help make that happen.
Our Church
We are a Jesus-centered, diverse and gifted community with a curious spirit that keeps us praying for open eyes, ears and hearts. All ages participate and folks from various denominational backgrounds have found a home. There is intentional space for questions, uncertainty and mystery here. Misfits and deconstruction are celebrated! Our "Creative Collective" explores and creates art together, sometimes treating our Sunday gatherings to spoken word performances, fresh songwriting, and visual art pieces.
Our Name
The Road Church comes from the story of the Emmaus Road in Luke. Many times in our own journeys we are met by Jesus without even realizing He is with us! He is the one who reveals the truth to us, connecting our daily lives to the Big Story of Scripture. As a community who is united in our diversity, we hold on to Ephesians 4:4 (MSG) when it says ‘we're all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together both outwardly and inwardly’.
Our Biblical Posture
We approach the Bible with sincere devotion and intellectual honesty while avoiding unhelpful literalism. This ancient and diverse collection of writings is so many things-- divinely inspired, trustworthy, challenging, and beautiful-- these sacred written words are what point us to the Word of God (Christ!). However, Biblical authorship and interpretation also come to us through human hands, and are not necessarily inerrant or infallible. As Christians, we humbly rely on the Holy Spirit's help, careful study, and dialogue among diverse voices to understand and apply the Bible today.
Our Values
As followers of Jesus, at The Road Church we value:
Genuineness – we are a community of sincere, unassuming people
Wonder – we embrace curiosity and ponder big questions in a spirit of growth
Openness – we welcome everyone as they are and respectfully make space for differences
Justness – we pursue peace and believe that the relief of injustice is how we exemplify love in our world
Denominational Affiliation
We recently voted (fall 2023) to formally disaffiliate from our wider denomination (CRCNA). We resource accountability, connection and support from the wider church in Canada through relationships with The Good Table (theological statement here), the Mosaic Network, a local clergy listening circle, and other intentional relationships.
faces at the Road
Several gifted people give generously of their time and abilities to help make The Road the community it is. Among these, we have a dedicated pastor on staff and a volunteer leadership team.

Leadership Team Volunteers
Dianne Draper (Chair)
Jae Cowie (Treasurer)
Amber Robichaud
Kraig McIver
Ken Bolstad
Rich Braaksma (he/him)
MDiv, DMin candidate
Lead Pastor